Introduction and The Big Idea

School of Life Sciences, University of Hawaii


Data Science

From R for Data Science 2e by Hadley Wickam, Garrett Grolemund, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

R for Data Science
  • Question -> Gather Data -> Design
  • Observe -> Record Data -> Data Table
  • Document -> Comment (annotate)
  • Project -> Version Control -> Share

Learning R - A first session

  • Think about how R works as you try out commands
  • Go to manuals, click on An Introduction to R
  • Follow Section 2.1
  • input -> R -> output
  • What came out? What does it tell you about the rules R follows?
  • Computers only do Exactly what you tell them to do
  • Jump to Appendix A - letʻs try to understand some rules of R together


  • Creativity
  • Accuracy
  • Authority
  • Repeatability
  • Communication
    • Ease of dissemination to other researchers
    • Show me, donʻt tell me


  • Our senses
  • Notebooks and Pens
  • Excel
  • Command Line (UNIX/ Windows/ File Commands in your operating system)
  • R
  • Git/GitHub
  • Quarto/Rmarkdown
  • and many more…

Data Science

R for Data Science
Need Tools
Observe -> Record Data -> Data Table Notebooks
Document -> Comment (annotate) R
Project -> Version Control -> Share Git/GitHub
Communicate R/ Quarto
