Tidying and Exploring Data

All about data and how it is represented in R
module 2
week 4
data structures

School of Life Sciences, University of Hawaii


February 14, 2023



As a biologist, these data manipulation topics may seem dry, but they are really powerful and will allow you do to much more sophisticated analyses, and to do them with confidence.

There are two main steps in the data analysis pipeline where these skills become critical:

  1. Tyipcally, we canʻt even look at the data in any meaningful way unless we can pluck out the parts we need or reshape the data. We can then do the intial data exploration and assessment.
  2. The data processing step where we convert raw data to analytical data.
    • Is the data clean of typos, or errors?
    • How do we want to deal with missing data?
    • Do we need to transform the data?
    • Do we want to take summary statistics (i.e, species means, etc.)?
    • Do we need to reshape the data for downstream analyses?

Vetting and reorganizing the data can take more programming time and effort than the actual statistical analyses. These tools will be a huge help, so it is well worth taking some time to learn how to use them well.

Pre-lecture materials


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Material for this lecture was borrowed and adopted from

Learning objectives

Learning objectives

At the end of this lesson you will know how to use:

  • Indexing accessing particular elements of your data object
  • Matching using logical comparisons to index an entire object
  • Subsetting saving subsets of your data, often with indexing
  • String Matching and replacement using grep(), sub()
  • Sorting reordering data


In general, accessing elements of vectors, matrices, or dataframes is achieved through indexing by position or name.

This is extremely useful for selecting relevant data, excluding irrelevant data, or selcting building blocks to form new objects.

There are many ways to achieve this:

  • inclusion a vector of positive integers indicating which elements of the vector to include
  • exclusion a vector of negative integers
  • logical values a vector of TRUE / FALSE values indicating which elements to include / exclude
  • by name a character vector of names of columns (only) or columns and rows
  • blank index take the entire column, row, or object
  • missing values can be indexed in much the same way, but because they match ALL values – you have to use the is.na() function.


The index of a vector is it’s number in the array. Each and every element in any data object has at least one index (if vector, it is one dimensional so it is its position along the vector, if a matrix or data frame, which are two-dimensional, it’s the row and column number, etc.)

Let’s create a vector:

xx <- c(1, 5, 2, 3, 5)
[1] 1 5 2 3 5

Access specific values of xx by number:

[1] 1
[1] 2

You can use a function to generate an index. Get the last element (without knowing how many there are) by:

[1] 5

Retrieve multiple elements of xx by using a vector as an argument:

xx[c(1, 3, 4)]
[1] 1 2 3
[1] 1 5 2
xx[c(1, length(xx))]  # first and last
[1] 1 5

Exclude elements by using a negative index:

[1] 1 5 2 3 5
xx[-1]  # exclude first
[1] 5 2 3 5
xx[-2] # exclude second
[1] 1 2 3 5
xx[-(1:3)] # exclude first through third
[1] 3 5
xx[-c(2, 4)] # exclude second and fourth, etc. 
[1] 1 2 5

Use a logical vector:

xx[ c( T, F, T, F, T) ]  # T is the same as TRUE
[1] 1 2 5
xx > 2
xx[ xx > 2 ]
[1] 5 3 5
xx > 2 & xx < 5
xx[ xx>2 & xx<5]
[1] 3

Subsetting (picking particular observations out of an R object) is something that you will have to do all the time. It’s worth the time to understand it clearly.

subset_xx <-  xx[ xx > 2 ]
subset_xx2 <- subset(xx, xx>2)  # using subset function
subset_xx == subset_xx2   # check if the same

The subset function is just another way of subsetting by index, just in function form with arguments. It can be more clear to use for dataframes, but it is really a matter of personal preference as you develop your style. Whichever way you go, it is important to be aware of the different ways to achieve the same goals.

Matrices and Dataframes

Matrices and dataframes are both rectangular having two dimensions, and are handled very similarly for indexing and subsetting.

Let’s work with a dataframe that is provided with the geiger package called geospiza. It is a list with a tree and a dataframe. The dataframe contains five morphological measurements for 13 species. First, let’s clear the workspace (or clear and start a new R session):

install.packages("geiger")  # if you need to install geiger

Get the built-in dataset this way:

Loading required package: geiger
Loading required package: ape
data(geospiza)   # load the dataset into the workspace
ls()               # list the objects in the workspace
[1] "geospiza"

Let’s find out some basic information about this object:

[1] "list"
[1] "geospiza.tree" "geospiza.data" "phy"           "dat"          
List of 4
 $ geospiza.tree:List of 4
  ..$ edge       : num [1:26, 1:2] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
  ..$ edge.length: num [1:26] 0.2974 0.0492 0.0686 0.134 0.1035 ...
  ..$ Nnode      : int 13
  ..$ tip.label  : chr [1:14] "fuliginosa" "fortis" "magnirostris" "conirostris" ...
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "phylo"
 $ geospiza.data: num [1:13, 1:5] 4.4 4.35 4.22 4.26 4.24 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:13] "magnirostris" "conirostris" "difficilis" "scandens" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "wingL" "tarsusL" "culmenL" "beakD" ...
 $ phy          :List of 4
  ..$ edge       : num [1:26, 1:2] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...
  ..$ edge.length: num [1:26] 0.2974 0.0492 0.0686 0.134 0.1035 ...
  ..$ Nnode      : int 13
  ..$ tip.label  : chr [1:14] "fuliginosa" "fortis" "magnirostris" "conirostris" ...
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "phylo"
 $ dat          : num [1:13, 1:5] 4.4 4.35 4.22 4.26 4.24 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:13] "magnirostris" "conirostris" "difficilis" "scandens" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "wingL" "tarsusL" "culmenL" "beakD" ...

It is a list with four elements. Here we want the data

geo <- as.data.frame(geospiza$geospiza.data)
[1] 13  5

It is a dataframe with 13 rows and 5 columns. If we want to know all the attributes of geo:

[1] "wingL"   "tarsusL" "culmenL" "beakD"   "gonysW" 

[1] "data.frame"

 [1] "magnirostris" "conirostris"  "difficilis"   "scandens"     "fortis"      
 [6] "fuliginosa"   "pallida"      "fusca"        "parvulus"     "pauper"      
[11] "Pinaroloxias" "Platyspiza"   "psittacula"  

We see that it has a “names” attribute, which refers to column names in a dataframe. Typically, the columns of a dataframe are the variables in the dataset. It also has “rownames” which contains the species names (so it does not have a separate column for species names).

Dataframes have two dimensions which we can use to index with: dataframe[row, column].

geo     # the entire object, same as geo[] or geo[,]
geo[c(1, 3), ]   # select the first and third rows, all columns
geo[, 3:5]   # all rows, third through fifth columns
geo[1, 5]  # first row, fifth column (a single number)
geo[1:2, c(3, 1)]  # first and second row, third and first column (2x2 matrix)
geo[-c(1:3, 10:13), ]  # everything but the first three and last three rows
geo[ 1:3, 5:1]  # first three species, but variables in reverse order

To prove to ourselves that we can access matrices in the same way, let’s coerce geo to be a matrix:

geom <- as.matrix( geo ) 
[1] "matrix" "array" 
[1] "data.frame"
geo[1,5]  # try a few more from the choices above to test
[1] 2.675983

Since geo and geom have row and column names, we can access by name (show that this works for geom too):

geo["pauper", "wingL"]  # row pauper, column wingL
[1] 4.2325
geo["pauper", ]  # row pauper, all columns 
        wingL tarsusL culmenL  beakD gonysW
pauper 4.2325  3.0359   2.187 2.0734 1.9621

We can also use the names (or rownames) attribute if we are lazy. Suppose we wanted all the species which began with “pa”. we could find which position they hold in the dataframe by looking at the rownames, saving them to a vector, and then indexing by them:

sp <- rownames(geo)
sp                            # a vector of the species names
 [1] "magnirostris" "conirostris"  "difficilis"   "scandens"     "fortis"      
 [6] "fuliginosa"   "pallida"      "fusca"        "parvulus"     "pauper"      
[11] "Pinaroloxias" "Platyspiza"   "psittacula"  
sp[c(7,8,10)]     # the ones we want are #7,8, and 10
[1] "pallida" "fusca"   "pauper" 
geo[ sp[c(7,8,10)], ]  # rows 7,8 and 10, same as geo[c(7, 8, 10)]
           wingL  tarsusL  culmenL    beakD   gonysW
pallida 4.265425 3.089450 2.430250 2.016350 1.949125
fusca   3.975393 2.936536 2.051843 1.191264 1.401186
pauper  4.232500 3.035900 2.187000 2.073400 1.962100

One difference between dataframes and matrices is that Indexing a data frame by a single vector (meaning, no comma separating) selects an entire column. This can be done by name or by number:

geo[3]   # third column
geo["culmenL"]  # same
geo[c(3,5)]  # third and fifth column
geo[c("culmenL", "gonysW")]  # same

Prove to yourself that selecting by a single index has a different behavior for matrices (and sometimes produces an error.

  • Because internally, a dataframe is actually a list of vectors. Thus a single name or number refers to the column, rather than a coordinate in a cartesian-coordinate-like system.
  • However, a matrix is actually a vector with breaks in it. So a single number refers to a position along the single vector.
  • A single name could work, but only if the individual elements of the matrix have names (like naming the individual elements of a vector).

Another difference is that dataframes (and lists below) can be accessed by the $ operator. It means indicates a column within a dataframe, so dataframe$column. This is another way to select by column:

 [1] 2.724667 2.654400 2.277183 2.621789 2.407025 2.094971 2.430250 2.051843
 [9] 1.974420 2.187000 2.311100 2.331471 2.259640

An equivalent way to index is by using the subset function. Some people prefer it because you have explicit parameters for what to select and which variables to include. See help page ?subset.


A list is a vector, except that whereas an ordinary vector has the same type of data (numeric, character, factor) in each slot, a list can have different types in different slots. They are sort of like expandable containers, flexibly accommodating any group of objects that the user wants to keep together.

They are accessed by numeric index or by name (if they are named), but they are accessed by double square brackets. Also, you can’t access multiple elements of lists by using vectors of indices:

mylist <- list( vec = 2*1:10, mat = matrix(1:10, nrow=2), cvec = c("frogs", "birds"))
 [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1    3    5    7    9
[2,]    2    4    6    8   10

[1] "frogs" "birds"
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1    3    5    7    9
[2,]    2    4    6    8   10
 [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20
# mylist[[1:3]]  # gives an error if you uncomment it
[1] "frogs" "birds"

String Matching

A very useful feature is string matching. R has grep facilities, which can do partial matching of character strings. This is different from the ordinary == operator, which will compare whole character strings. Partial matching is really helpful when you are not sure of the spelling, looking for typos, variations, etc. For example, we could directly search for species (the object or “x”) names which contain “p” (the pattern):

sp <- rownames(geo)
grep(pattern = "p", x = sp)  # returns indices   
[1]  7  9 10 12 13
grep("p", sp, value=T)  # returns the species names which match
[1] "pallida"    "parvulus"   "pauper"     "Platyspiza" "psittacula"
grep("p", sp, ignore.case=T, value=T)   # case-sensitive by default
[1] "pallida"      "parvulus"     "pauper"       "Pinaroloxias" "Platyspiza"  
[6] "psittacula"  
grep("^P", sp, value=T)  # only those which start with (^) capital P
[1] "Pinaroloxias" "Platyspiza"  

It is possible to use perl-type regular expressions, and the sub function is also available. sub is related to grep, but substitutes a replacement value to the matched pattern. Notice that there are two species which have upper case letters. We can fix this with:

sp <- rownames(geo)
sub(pattern = "^P", replacement = "p", sp)
 [1] "magnirostris" "conirostris"  "difficilis"   "scandens"     "fortis"      
 [6] "fuliginosa"   "pallida"      "fusca"        "parvulus"     "pauper"      
[11] "pinaroloxias" "platyspiza"   "psittacula"  
rownames(geo) <- sub(pattern = "^P", replacement = "p", sp)   # to save changes

Ordering Data

Suppose we now want geo in alphabetical order. We can use the sort function to sort the rownames vector, then use it to index the dataframe:

geo[ sort(rownames(geo)), ]

A better option for dataframes, though, is order:

order(rownames(geo))   # the order that the species should take to be
 [1]  2  3  5  6  8  1  7  9 10 11 12 13  4
                 #  sorted from a-z
rbind(rownames(geo), order(rownames(geo)))  # to illustrate
     [,1]           [,2]          [,3]         [,4]       [,5]     [,6]        
[1,] "magnirostris" "conirostris" "difficilis" "scandens" "fortis" "fuliginosa"
[2,] "2"            "3"           "5"          "6"        "8"      "1"         
     [,7]      [,8]    [,9]       [,10]    [,11]          [,12]       
[1,] "pallida" "fusca" "parvulus" "pauper" "pinaroloxias" "platyspiza"
[2,] "7"       "9"     "10"       "11"     "12"           "13"        
[1,] "psittacula"
[2,] "4"         
oo <- order(rownames(geo))
geo[oo,]   # sorted in alpha order
                wingL  tarsusL  culmenL    beakD   gonysW
conirostris  4.349867 2.984200 2.654400 2.513800 2.360167
difficilis   4.224067 2.898917 2.277183 2.011100 1.929983
fortis       4.244008 2.894717 2.407025 2.362658 2.221867
fuliginosa   4.132957 2.806514 2.094971 1.941157 1.845379
fusca        3.975393 2.936536 2.051843 1.191264 1.401186
magnirostris 4.404200 3.038950 2.724667 2.823767 2.675983
pallida      4.265425 3.089450 2.430250 2.016350 1.949125
parvulus     4.131600 2.973060 1.974420 1.873540 1.813340
pauper       4.232500 3.035900 2.187000 2.073400 1.962100
pinaroloxias 4.188600 2.980200 2.311100 1.547500 1.630100
platyspiza   4.419686 3.270543 2.331471 2.347471 2.282443
psittacula   4.235020 3.049120 2.259640 2.230040 2.073940
scandens     4.261222 2.929033 2.621789 2.144700 2.036944

Order can sort on multiple arguments, which means that you can use other columns to break ties. Let’s trim the species names to the first letter using the substring function, then sort using the first letter of the species name and breaking ties by tarsusL:

sp <- substring(rownames(geo), first=1, last=1)
oo <- order(sp , geo$tarsusL) # order by first letter species, then tarsusL
geot <- geo[oo,]["tarsusL"]   # ordered geo dataframe, take only the wingL column
geo <- geo[oo,]
  • Using geo["tarsusL"] as a second index for order doesn’t work, because it is a one column dataframe, as opposed to geo$tarsus which is a vector.
  • The object must match sp, which is a vector. Check the dim and length of each.
  • vectors only have length, dataframes have dimensions (dim=2 for numbers of rows, columns).
  • Check your objects! The shapes have to be of the right class even if they contain the same information. This is because functions are written for particular classes of objects (and sometimes the programmer didnʻt write one for your type of object).
  • You can always coerce your object to the right class using as.vector, as.dataframe, etc. and try again.


Matching is very easy in R, and is often used to create a logical vector to subset objects. Greater than and less than are as usual, but logical equal is two equal signs “==” to differentiate from the assignment operator “=”. Also >= and <=.

geot > 3    # a logical index 
conirostris    FALSE
difficilis     FALSE
fuliginosa     FALSE
fortis         FALSE
fusca          FALSE
magnirostris    TRUE
parvulus       FALSE
pinaroloxias   FALSE
pauper          TRUE
psittacula      TRUE
pallida         TRUE
platyspiza      TRUE
scandens       FALSE
geot == 3  # must match exactly 3, none do
conirostris    FALSE
difficilis     FALSE
fuliginosa     FALSE
fortis         FALSE
fusca          FALSE
magnirostris   FALSE
parvulus       FALSE
pinaroloxias   FALSE
pauper         FALSE
psittacula     FALSE
pallida        FALSE
platyspiza     FALSE
scandens       FALSE
geot[ geot > 3 ]   # use to get observations which have tarsus > 3
[1] 3.038950 3.035900 3.049120 3.089450 3.270543
#  ii <- geot > 3    # these two lines of code accomplish the same
#  geot[ii]
cbind(geo["tarsusL"], geot > 3)  # check
              tarsusL tarsusL
conirostris  2.984200   FALSE
difficilis   2.898917   FALSE
fuliginosa   2.806514   FALSE
fortis       2.894717   FALSE
fusca        2.936536   FALSE
magnirostris 3.038950    TRUE
parvulus     2.973060   FALSE
pinaroloxias 2.980200   FALSE
pauper       3.035900    TRUE
psittacula   3.049120    TRUE
pallida      3.089450    TRUE
platyspiza   3.270543    TRUE
scandens     2.929033   FALSE
geo[geot>3, ]["tarsusL"]  # what does this do?
magnirostris 3.038950
pauper       3.035900
psittacula   3.049120
pallida      3.089450
platyspiza   3.270543

Matching and subsetting works really well for replacing values. Suppose we thought that every measurement that was less than 2.0 was actually a mistake. We can remove them from the data:

geo [ geo<2 ] <- NA

Missing Values

Missing values compared to anything else will return a missing value (so NA == NA returns NA, which is usually not what you want). You must test it with is.na function. You can also test multiple conditions with and (&) and or (|)

[13]  TRUE
geo[!is.na(geo$gonysW) & geo$wingL > 4, ]  # element by element "and"
                wingL  tarsusL  culmenL    beakD   gonysW
conirostris  4.349867 2.984200 2.654400 2.513800 2.360167
fortis       4.244008 2.894717 2.407025 2.362658 2.221867
magnirostris 4.404200 3.038950 2.724667 2.823767 2.675983
psittacula   4.235020 3.049120 2.259640 2.230040 2.073940
platyspiza   4.419686 3.270543 2.331471 2.347471 2.282443
scandens     4.261222 2.929033 2.621789 2.144700 2.036944
geo[!is.na(geo$gonysW) | geo$wingL > 4, ]   # element by element "or"
                wingL  tarsusL  culmenL    beakD   gonysW
conirostris  4.349867 2.984200 2.654400 2.513800 2.360167
difficilis   4.224067 2.898917 2.277183 2.011100       NA
fuliginosa   4.132957 2.806514 2.094971       NA       NA
fortis       4.244008 2.894717 2.407025 2.362658 2.221867
magnirostris 4.404200 3.038950 2.724667 2.823767 2.675983
parvulus     4.131600 2.973060       NA       NA       NA
pinaroloxias 4.188600 2.980200 2.311100       NA       NA
pauper       4.232500 3.035900 2.187000 2.073400       NA
psittacula   4.235020 3.049120 2.259640 2.230040 2.073940
pallida      4.265425 3.089450 2.430250 2.016350       NA
platyspiza   4.419686 3.270543 2.331471 2.347471 2.282443
scandens     4.261222 2.929033 2.621789 2.144700 2.036944
!is.na(geo$gonysW) && geo$wingL > 4   # vectorwise "and"
Warning in !is.na(geo$gonysW) && geo$wingL > 4: 'length(x) = 13 > 1' in coercion
to 'logical(1)'

Warning in !is.na(geo$gonysW) && geo$wingL > 4: 'length(x) = 13 > 1' in coercion
to 'logical(1)'
[1] TRUE

Matching works on strings also:

geo[rownames(geo) == "pauper",]   # same as   geo["pauper", ]
geo[rownames(geo) < "pauper",]

There are even better functions for strings, though. In the expression A %in% B, the %in% operator compares two vectors of strings, and tells us which elements of A are present in B.

newsp <- c("clarkii", "pauper", "garmani")
newsp[newsp  %in% rownames(geo)]     # which new species are in geo?

We can define the “without” operator:

"%w/o%" <- function(x, y) x[!x %in% y]
newsp  %w/o% rownames(geo)   # which new species are not in geo?

Explore a new Dataset

Meet the Penguins

We are going to look at the Palmer Penguins dataset. It is a dataset of morphometric data from three species of penguins from Antarctica.

Penguin Beaks

Please practice some of the base R functions we covered today. One of the first tasks of data exploration is

  • counting sample size
  • identifying the variables
  • creating bivariate plots of each pair of continuous variables
  • exploring the distribution of the data
  • plots of the whole dataset versus by group (here, species)

Some of the functions you could use are the following: plot(), points() lines(), hist() and density(). You can also assign different colors using the col="red" etc. argument within each of these functions.


Load the data:

Loading required package: palmerpenguins

To read the help page, type ?penguins. It is a tibble which is the tidyverse version of data frames. All of our base functions will work on this. Try summary(penguins)

How many species?

[1] Adelie    Gentoo    Chinstrap
Levels: Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo


For a generic x-y plot use plot(). It will also start a graphical device.

Here we are using the with() function to specify which dataframe to look into for our named variables. We could instead do penguins$body_mass_g, etc.

with(penguins, plot( body_mass_g, bill_length_mm))

To add points to an existing plot, use points()

with(penguins, plot( body_mass_g, bill_length_mm))
with(penguins[penguins$species=="Adelie",], points( body_mass_g, bill_length_mm, col="red"))

One could fit linear models, for example, and use lines() to overlay the line on the plot.

Distribution using hist() and density()

To see a histogram, use hist(). You can change the breaks and many other features by checking out the help page ?hist

with(penguins, hist( body_mass_g ))

To see a density plot use density() to create the density, then plot it.

dens <- with(penguins, density( body_mass_g, na.rm=T ))