
Schedule and course materials for Data Science in R for Biologists (Zool 710 Spring 2023).

Schedule and course materials

For Qmd files (markdown document with Quarto which are cross-language executable code), go to the course GitHub repository and navigate the directories, or best of all clone the repo and navigate within RStudio or your text browser and R console.

Week Dates Topics Projects
Module 1 Computational Tools for Data Science
Week 1 Jan 17 👋 Installing R/RStudio, GitHub [html] [Qmd]
Jan 19 👩‍💻 Shell scripts, File Organization [html] [Qmd]
Week 2 Jan 24 🐙 Intro to Git and GitHub [html] [Qmd] 🌴 Project 0 [html] [Qmd]
Module 2 Reproducible Research
Jan 26 🐙 Reproducible Research [html] [Qmd]
Jan 26 🐙 Literate Programming / Intro to Quarto [html] [Qmd]
Week 3 Jan 31 🔬 What is the Question? [html] [Qmd]
Module 3 Data Analysis in R
Jan 31 👓 Reading/Writing data [html] [Qmd]
Feb 2 👓 Reference Management [html] [Qmd] 🍂 Project 0 due
Week 4 Feb 7 🐙 Scripts [html] [Qmd]
Feb 9 🔩 Data [html] [Qmd]
Module 3 Data Visulization in R
Week 5 Feb 14 🔪 Tidying Data [html] [Qmd]
Feb 16 📊 Plotting Systems (Base R) [html] [Qmd] 🌱 Project 1 assigned
Week 6 Feb 21 📊 Plotting with ggplot2 [html] [Qmd]
Feb 23 📊 ggplot2 continued
Module 4 Tour of Stats in R and Data Wrangling
Week 7 Feb 28 🐒 Tidyverse and data wrangling [html] [Qmd]
Mar 2 🐎 A tour of some multivariate methods in R [html] [Qmd] 🌱 Project 1 due
Week 8 Mar 7 📆 A tour of some univariate methods in R [html] [Qmd]
Mar 9 🐎 Joining a.k.a. merging data [html] [Qmd]
Mar 9 🐎 Reshaping data [html] [Qmd]
Module 5 Programming Elements
Week 9 Mar 14 🤝 Spring Break
Mar 16 ☀️ Spring Break
Week 10 Mar 21 🍄 Functions [html] [Qmd]
Mar 23 🌵 Lists and For Loops [html] [Qmd]
Mar 23 🌵 Apply Functions [html] [Qmd]
Week 11 Mar 28 🎡 Program Flow [html] [Qmd]
Module 6 Intro to Morphometrics
Mar 30 📏 Intro to Morphometrics [html] [Qmd]
Week 12 Apr 4 📐 Landmark-based Morphometrics 🍂 Project 2 due
Apr 4 💀 3D Morphometrics
Apr 6 🐾 3D Morphometrics 🌰 Project 3 data check due
Module 7 Phylogenetic Trees
Week 13 Apr 11 🌱 Trees as Data Objects
Apr 13 🌴 Reading and writing trees, ape, ggtree, treeio
Week 14 Apr 18 🌳 Reshaping Trees
Apr 20 🌺 Annotating Tree Plots 📝 Project 3 peer review due
Module 8 Other Topics
Week 15 Apr 25 🐍 Parsing Data from any Format
Apr 27 🌰 Student choice topic
Week 16 May 2 🏆 Final Presentations 💐 Project 3 presentation (in class)
May 5 🎊 Project 3 due