Morphometrics Overview

Some important considerations in a typical workflow
module 6
week 12
control structures
if else
(do) while

School of Life Sciences, University of Hawaii


April 4, 2023


Material for this lecture was borrowed and adopted from

Learning objectives

Learning objectives

At the end of this lesson you will:

  • Understand the overview of a morphometrics analysis


Morphometric Workflow

Typical Morphometric Worflow
  • Ask interesting question, develop hypotheses, collect specimens
  • Take photos/images of the specimens
  • Place landmarks on the specimens in the photos at key locations. Choose landmarks that are:
  • Present on all specimens
  • Relevant to question
  • Clearly defined
  • Analyze how the landmarks vary in relation to each other among specimens
  • Perform statistical analyses to test for significant differences in body shape among populations, species, or whatever aspect that is relevant to your hypotheses
  • Plot components of variation in shape that are not correlated with each other (i.e. the principal component scores).

Types of Questions that Morphometrics can Answer (not exhaustive)

  1. Relationship of parts to other parts.
  2. Allometry - relationship of shape to size
  3. Comparison among groups
  4. Covariation of shape with other factors
  5. Covariation of morphology with phylogeny
  6. Morpholgical integration
  7. Modularity