The ggtree-verse

Working with trees with tidytree and plotting with ggtree
module 7
week 13
phylogenetic trees

School of Life Sciences, University of Hawaii


April 25, 2023


References for this Material:

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson you will:

  • Understand information content of phylogenetically structured data
  • Understand particular R tree formats in ape, phylobase, and ouch
  • Be able to hand-make trees
  • Be able to import trees from nexus, newick, and other major formats in use today
  • Be able to convert trees from one format to another
  • Be able to perform basic tree manipulations
R packages you will need
  • ape
  • ggtree
  • tidytree
  • treeio


ggtree is a powerful phylogenetic tree plotting package, that is used alongside treeio and tidytree packages to import/export and to manipulate phylogenetic trees, respectively. These packages allow you to subset or combine trees with data, annotate, and plot in so many different ways using the grammar of graphics.

Because itʻs written in the style of ggplot2 and the tidyverse, there are a lot of functions to remember, and now there are also multiple object types. The key to working effectively with ggtree is to be aware of what type of object you are working with, whether it is a dataframe, a tibble, a phylo tree, a treedata tibble, or ggtree object. It is easy to convert between these at will if you know what you are dealing with.

phylo -> treedata

Functions like read.tree amd, etc. will read in objects of class phylo (they are actually referencing the ape function).

To show this, letʻs first generate a random tree using ape::rtree()

tree <- rtree(20)
[1] "phylo"
plot(tree)  # ape plotting function

Note: ggtree can also accept phylo objects as arguments:

ggtree(tree)  # ggtree plotting function

To save as newick and nexus formats, treeio has the following:, file="tree.nex")
treeio::write.tree(tree, file="tree.tree")
 [1] "_index.qmd"         "anolis.SSD.raw.csv" "bigtree.nex"       
 [4] "ggtree_functions.R" "ggtree.R"           "index_files"       
 [7] "index.qmd"          "index.rmarkdown"    "tree.nex"          
[10] "tree.tree"         

Take a look at these files. They should be in nexus and newick formats, respectively.

tree_nex <-"tree.nex")
tree_new <- treeio::read.newick(file="tree.tree")
[1] "phylo"
[1] "phylo"

If you have trees from iqtree, BEAST etc., you should use the specialized read functions because they will capture the metadata embedded in the treeformat including support values.

Coverting between data types

The main functions for coersion are:

as.phylo (tree)  # to phylo

Phylogenetic tree with 20 tips and 19 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
  t20, t10, t3, t7, t6, t18, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths.
as.treedata(tree) # to treedata
'treedata' S4 object'.

...@ phylo:

Phylogenetic tree with 20 tips and 19 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
  t20, t10, t3, t7, t6, t18, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths.
treedata <- as.treedata(tree)  
as_tibble(treedata)  # to tibble
# A tibble: 39 × 4
   parent  node branch.length label
    <int> <int>         <dbl> <chr>
 1     22     1       0.915   t20  
 2     26     2       0.532   t10  
 3     26     3       0.847   t3   
 4     25     4       0.118   t7   
 5     28     5       0.690   t6   
 6     28     6       0.725   t18  
 7     29     7       0.261   t14  
 8     31     8       0.00314 t9   
 9     31     9       0.0128  t4   
10     30    10       0.289   t12  
# … with 29 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Simulate phenotypic data

Add tiplabels

Get the tip labels

There is a function get_taxa_name() which is very handy, but NOTE: its argument is a ggtree object, not a treedata object.

p <- ggtree(tree) + geom_tiplab()
 [1] "t4"  "t9"  "t12" "t14" "t18" "t6"  "t3"  "t10" "t7"  "t17" "t15" "t13"
[13] "t11" "t5"  "t2"  "t16" "t20" "t1"  "t8"  "t19"
taxa <- get_taxa_name(p)

Simulate a data matrix:

n <- length(taxa)
size <- rnorm(n, mean=20, sd=5)
habitat <- sample(c("desert", "grassland", "forest", "intertidal"), size=n, replace=T)
dat <- data.frame( "label"= taxa, size, habitat)
   label      size    habitat
1     t4 13.190731     desert
2     t9 19.541849  grassland
3    t12 24.957978 intertidal
4    t14 14.831695     forest
5    t18 21.221452     desert
6     t6 10.671196 intertidal
7     t3 15.308488 intertidal
8    t10 19.347808     desert
9     t7 21.088887     forest
10   t17  7.394603     desert
11   t15 14.215988 intertidal
12   t13 11.341547     desert
13   t11 17.769369 intertidal
14    t5 13.667986  grassland
15    t2 18.265933  grassland
16   t16 18.950921     desert
17   t20 21.236842 intertidal
18    t1 17.947431  grassland
19    t8 11.629983 intertidal
20   t19 13.964597     forest

See our ggtree as a treedata object:

as.treedata(p) %>% as_tibble %>%  
   parent node branch.length label
1      22    1   0.914660785   t20
2      26    2   0.531915339   t10
3      26    3   0.847355583    t3
4      25    4   0.117541116    t7
5      28    5   0.689902873    t6
6      28    6   0.725284685   t18
7      29    7   0.260759907   t14
8      31    8   0.003144709    t9
9      31    9   0.012793490    t4
10     30   10   0.289318340   t12
11     33   11   0.102822345   t16
12     33   12   0.361748627    t2
13     34   13   0.406217780    t5
14     36   14   0.855577735   t13
15     37   15   0.122123984   t15
16     37   16   0.055801166   t17
17     35   17   0.411075242   t11
18     38   18   0.613953796   t19
19     39   19   0.453259011    t8
20     39   20   0.470733995    t1
21     21   21            NA  <NA>
22     21   22   0.768506521  <NA>
23     22   23   0.153267556  <NA>
24     23   24   0.854931734  <NA>
25     24   25   0.451706708  <NA>
26     25   26   0.354669122  <NA>
27     24   27   0.472259514  <NA>
28     27   28   0.512345967  <NA>
29     27   29   0.681458147  <NA>
30     29   30   0.226860373  <NA>
31     30   31   0.391176049  <NA>
32     23   32   0.034940638  <NA>
33     32   33   0.130967953  <NA>
34     32   34   0.677282662  <NA>
35     34   35   0.356319352  <NA>
36     35   36   0.147734449  <NA>
37     36   37   0.980167842  <NA>
38     21   38   0.107984108  <NA>
39     38   39   0.106352382  <NA>
  # ggtree -> treedata -> tibble -> dataframe

Merge tree with data

Now that we have a matching key in both the tree and data objects, we can join the tree with the dataframe by those matching labels using ggtreeʻs full_join:

ttree <- full_join(tree, dat, by = "label") 
'treedata' S4 object'.

...@ phylo:

Phylogenetic tree with 20 tips and 19 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
  t20, t10, t3, t7, t6, t18, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths.

with the following features available:
  'size', 'habitat'.

# The associated data tibble abstraction: 39 × 5
# The 'node', 'label' and 'isTip' are from the phylo tree.
    node label isTip  size habitat   
   <int> <chr> <lgl> <dbl> <chr>     
 1     1 t20   TRUE   21.2 intertidal
 2     2 t10   TRUE   19.3 desert    
 3     3 t3    TRUE   15.3 intertidal
 4     4 t7    TRUE   21.1 forest    
 5     5 t6    TRUE   10.7 intertidal
 6     6 t18   TRUE   21.2 desert    
 7     7 t14   TRUE   14.8 forest    
 8     8 t9    TRUE   19.5 grassland 
 9     9 t4    TRUE   13.2 desert    
10    10 t12   TRUE   25.0 intertidal
# … with 29 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
ttree %>% as_tibble %>%
   parent node branch.length label      size    habitat
1      22    1   0.914660785   t20 21.236842 intertidal
2      26    2   0.531915339   t10 19.347808     desert
3      26    3   0.847355583    t3 15.308488 intertidal
4      25    4   0.117541116    t7 21.088887     forest
5      28    5   0.689902873    t6 10.671196 intertidal
6      28    6   0.725284685   t18 21.221452     desert
7      29    7   0.260759907   t14 14.831695     forest
8      31    8   0.003144709    t9 19.541849  grassland
9      31    9   0.012793490    t4 13.190731     desert
10     30   10   0.289318340   t12 24.957978 intertidal
11     33   11   0.102822345   t16 18.950921     desert
12     33   12   0.361748627    t2 18.265933  grassland
13     34   13   0.406217780    t5 13.667986  grassland
14     36   14   0.855577735   t13 11.341547     desert
15     37   15   0.122123984   t15 14.215988 intertidal
16     37   16   0.055801166   t17  7.394603     desert
17     35   17   0.411075242   t11 17.769369 intertidal
18     38   18   0.613953796   t19 13.964597     forest
19     39   19   0.453259011    t8 11.629983 intertidal
20     39   20   0.470733995    t1 17.947431  grassland
21     21   21            NA  <NA>        NA       <NA>
22     21   22   0.768506521  <NA>        NA       <NA>
23     22   23   0.153267556  <NA>        NA       <NA>
24     23   24   0.854931734  <NA>        NA       <NA>
25     24   25   0.451706708  <NA>        NA       <NA>
26     25   26   0.354669122  <NA>        NA       <NA>
27     24   27   0.472259514  <NA>        NA       <NA>
28     27   28   0.512345967  <NA>        NA       <NA>
29     27   29   0.681458147  <NA>        NA       <NA>
30     29   30   0.226860373  <NA>        NA       <NA>
31     30   31   0.391176049  <NA>        NA       <NA>
32     23   32   0.034940638  <NA>        NA       <NA>
33     32   33   0.130967953  <NA>        NA       <NA>
34     32   34   0.677282662  <NA>        NA       <NA>
35     34   35   0.356319352  <NA>        NA       <NA>
36     35   36   0.147734449  <NA>        NA       <NA>
37     36   37   0.980167842  <NA>        NA       <NA>
38     21   38   0.107984108  <NA>        NA       <NA>
39     38   39   0.106352382  <NA>        NA       <NA>

And thatʻs what our treedata object looks like flattened out!

Subsetting the tree

Functions: drop.tip() and keep.tip()

Suppose we want to drop all of the even tips:

todrop <- paste("t", 1:10*2, sep="")
 [1] "t2"  "t4"  "t6"  "t8"  "t10" "t12" "t14" "t16" "t18" "t20"
smalltree <- drop.tip(ttree, todrop)
'treedata' S4 object'.

...@ phylo:

Phylogenetic tree with 10 tips and 9 internal nodes.

Tip labels:
  t3, t7, t9, t5, t13, t15, ...

Rooted; includes branch lengths.

with the following features available:
  'size', 'habitat'.

# The associated data tibble abstraction: 19 × 5
# The 'node', 'label' and 'isTip' are from the phylo tree.
    node label isTip  size habitat   
   <int> <chr> <lgl> <dbl> <chr>     
 1     1 t3    TRUE  15.3  intertidal
 2     2 t7    TRUE  21.1  forest    
 3     3 t9    TRUE  19.5  grassland 
 4     4 t5    TRUE  13.7  grassland 
 5     5 t13   TRUE  11.3  desert    
 6     6 t15   TRUE  14.2  intertidal
 7     7 t17   TRUE   7.39 desert    
 8     8 t11   TRUE  17.8  intertidal
 9     9 t19   TRUE  14.0  forest    
10    10 t1    TRUE  17.9  grassland 
# … with 9 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
ggtree(smalltree) + geom_tiplab()

drop.tip keeps all of the metadata! keep.tip is imported from ape so it has to be converted to phylo and then the data joined again after.

Plotting with node labels

The geometries geom_text() and geom_node() are helpful for labelling all of the nodes. The function geom_tiplab() labels only the tips.

Add node labels so you know what the internal node numbers are:

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab() +
    geom_text(aes(label=node), hjust=-.3)    # node numbers

Note: The tiplabels and the node labels crashed!

There are also 2 versions: geom_text2() and geom_node2() that allow subsetting the nodes, when you want the geometry to apply to only some of the nodes.

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab() +
    geom_text2(aes(label=node, subset=!isTip), hjust=-.3)    # node numbers

isTip is a column of the ggtree object, so it is inherited when we provide the ggtree object.

Plotting with alternative tip labels

The dataframe portion of the treedata object can hold any number of columns of metadata. Perhaps you have some real names in a different column (like a display name), it is easy to swap out the tip labels. Here letʻs just use the habitat column

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab(aes(label=habitat)) +
    geom_text2(aes(label=node, subset=!isTip), hjust=-.3)    # node numbers

When your tip labels get cut off

Add an x scale (usually time):

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab(aes(label=habitat)) +
    geom_text2(aes(label=node, subset=!isTip), hjust=-.3) +   # node numbers

You can increase the size of the plot area to accommodate the longer labels:

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab(aes(label=habitat)) +
    geom_text2(aes(label=node, subset=!isTip), hjust=-.3) +   # node numbers
    theme_tree2() +

Tree layouts


  ggtree(ttree, branch.length='none'),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="dendrogram"),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="roundrect"),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="ellipse"),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="ellipse", branch.length="none"),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="circular"),
  ggtree(ttree, branch.length='none', layout='circular'),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="fan", open.angle=120),
  ggtree(ttree, layout="inward_circular")

Plotting data on the tree

geom_facet() and facet_plot() are general methods to link graphical layers to a tree.

These functions require an input dataframe with the first column containing the taxon labels (the key which matches to the tip labels of the phylogeny).

Internally these functions reorder the input data based on the tree structure so that you donʻt have to worry about the order of the rows.

Multiple layers can be added to the same dataset. Also different datasets can be added to the same figure.

A table of the geom layers that work with geom_facet is provided here.

Example: plot smalltree with size in a barplot

First make a tibble to attach to the tree. As of this writing, geom_facet will not accept a treedata object. It wants a dataframe or tibble of only the tips. But this is easy to make from the treedata. We just have to filter out the non-tip rows, then rearrange the columns to put the labels first:


smdat <- smalltree %>% 
           as_tibble %>% 
           filter(! %>%
           relocate(label, .before=1) 

We can then add the barplot as a panel next to the tree plot using geom_facet:

ggtree(smalltree) + 
    geom_tiplab() +
    theme_tree2()  + 
    geom_facet(panel = "Size", 
               geom = geom_col, 
               mapping=aes(x = smdat$size), 
               orientation = 'y', 
               width = .6, 

The arguments for geom_facet() are:

  • panel : The name of the panel, displayed on top
  • data : a tibble or dataframe containing the metadata to plot. Must have as the first column the tip labels that are found in the phylogenetic tree.
  • geom : a geom layer specifying the style of plot
  • mapping : the aesthetic mapping. I should not have to supply the smdat$ here but it wonʻt work otherwise.
  • any additional parameters for the plot

A tree-panel and annotation example from the Tree Data Book:

This example plots a phylogeny alongside SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) data and a barplot of some simulated data (Yu 2022).

The %+>% operator for ggtree objects

The %+>% operator is used to add data (dataframe, tibble) to a ggtree object:

my_ggtree <- my_ggtree %<+% new_data

The result is a combined object that can be used for plotting, but it does not modify the original treedata object (which is a different object from the ggtree object). The full_join() function can be used to combine a tree with data to produce a new treedata object.

Example of the %+>% operator to add data to a ggtree object.

The package TDbook is the data accompanyment to (Yu 2022)ʻs Tree Data book. It is available on CRAN so you can install it with the usual install.packages("TDbook") function call.


# load `tree_boots`, `df_tip_data`, and `df_inode_data` from 'TDbook'
p <- ggtree(tree_boots) %<+% df_tip_data + xlim(-.1, 4)
p2 <- p + geom_tiplab(offset = .6, hjust = .5) +
    geom_tippoint(aes(shape = trophic_habit, color = trophic_habit, 
                size = mass_in_kg)) + 
    theme(legend.position = "right") + 
    scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, 10))

p2 %<+% df_inode_data + 
    geom_label(aes(label = vernacularName.y, fill = posterior)) + 
    scale_fill_gradientn(colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "YlGnBu"))
Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (`geom_label()`).

Explore df_info

df_info A dataframe containing sampling info for the tips of the tree. 386 rows and 6 variables, with the first column being taxa labels (id).

df_alleles The allele table with original raw data to be processed to SNP data. It is a table of nucleotides with 386 rows x 385 variables. The first row contains tips labels. Column names are non-sense. The rownames (exept for the first one) contains the snp position along the genome.

## load `tree_nwk`, `df_info`, `df_alleles`, and `df_bar_data` from 'TDbook'
tree <- tree_nwk
snps <- df_alleles
snps_strainCols <- snps[1,] 
snps<-snps[-1,] # drop strain names
colnames(snps) <- snps_strainCols

gapChar <- "?"
snp <- t(snps)  # not rectangular!
lsnp <- apply(snp, 1, function(x) {
        x != snp[1,] & x != gapChar & snp[1,] != gapChar
    })  # different from row 1, not missing
lsnp <- 
lsnp$pos <- as.numeric(rownames(lsnp))  # position from rownames
lsnp <- tidyr::gather(lsnp, name, value, -pos)  
snp_data <- lsnp[lsnp$value, c("name", "pos")] # only TRUEs

snp_data A dataframe containing SNP position data. 6482 x 2. The first column contains taxa labels coresponding to the tips of the tree (name). There are multiple rows per taxon, the second colum is the position pos of the snp in the genome. This is used as the x-variable in the plot.

In the dataframe snp_data the rows are ordered by position along the sequence (the x-dimension of this data), but the first column is the strain (taxon) name which matches the tips in the phylogenetic tree.

## visualize the tree 
p <- ggtree(tree) 

## attach the sampling information data set 
## and add symbols colored by location
p <- p %<+% df_info + geom_tippoint(aes(color=location))

Add SNP and Trait plots aligned to the tree

Use geom_facet with reference to the respective dataframes/tibbles to add plots alignted to the tree. For the SNP plot, we will use geom_point which allows x-y plotting, with x-coordinate determined by pos and the y-coordinate aligned with the taxon. The symbol is the vertical line |.

## visualize SNP and Trait data using dot and bar charts,
## and align them based on tree structure
p1 <- p + geom_facet(panel = "SNP", data = snp_data, geom = geom_point, 
               mapping=aes(x = pos, color = location), shape = '|') 

df_bar_data is some simulated data with an id column specifying the taxon names, and a dummy_bar_value containing some data.

p1 + geom_facet(panel = "Trait", data = df_bar_data, geom = geom_col, 
                aes(x = dummy_bar_value, color = location, 
                fill = location), orientation = 'y', width = .6) +
    theme_tree2(legend.position=c(.05, .85))

Example datasets

save to your working directory:


This is an example of a typical workflow. We have carefully collected phenotypic data, and someone has published a massive phylogeny. We need to subset the tree to just the taxa we want to work on.


Yu, G. 2022. Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic Trees. A Chapman & Hall Book. CRC Press.